Managing risks for workforce and business resilience 


As we move on from the peak of the pandemic, 环境, 社会, 和治理问题(ESG)得到关注,企业面临新的供应链和人才威胁. 作为企业风险管理(ERM)的更广泛方法的一部分,管理人员风险比以往任何时候都更加重要。. HR, 风险经理和最高管理层应该密切合作,以确保识别威胁, evaluated and mitigated 适当地.

错误判断的后果是严重的,正如我们的 People Risk Report 2022. We found that the greatest risks facing firms are cybersecurity and privacy, administration and fiduciary, and catastrophic personal life events. 

Firms need to ask themselves: “Can we give people more security, 灵活性和更好的健康,同时还要面对降低成本的业务挑战, navigating operational disruption and increasing liquidity?”

答案是肯定的, 但只适用于那些基本正确并确保他们有强大的ERM实践的组织.

Building trust among employees and wider stakeholders, 包括客户, is an important part of the puzzle. 我们更广泛的研究表明,雇主在疫情期间的反应影响了员工的情绪. In an era of heightened awareness of ESG issues, companies must work harder to earn the trust of employees, 客户, investors and regulators.

Five key global findings from the People Risk Report 2022

当今企业面临的最大人员风险是网络安全和数据隐私. 考虑到地缘政治形势和过去一年发生的主要组织数据泄露事件,这并不奇怪.

The number two risk globally is administration and fiduciary. The inability to administer benefit and compensation plans accurately, 公平和按照承诺作出相当正确的公司关注. Errors and unmet obligations can lead to damaged reputation, along with regulatory action and penalties.

Catastrophic personal life events are the third-ranked global risk, while the fourth is 大流行 and other communicable health conditions. 这凸显了对员工支持和其他主动策略的需求,以应对未来的危机, including those that stem from climate change, inflation/rising interest rates, 大流行, recession or violent conflict.

Closing out the top five risks was the changing nature of work. 在过去两年中,灵活工作的发展程度值得审查和重新调整. With the Great Resignation, firms must tackle this emerging issue now to attract, retain and engage employees in the future.

健康 & 安全 

  • 大流行 & other communicable health conditions
  • 员工健康 & 幸福
  • 心理健康
  • Workforce exhaustion
  • Work-related illness or injury

治理 & 金融

  • Administration and fiduciary
  • Increasing cost of health, risk protection and 幸福 benefits
  • Benefit, policy and reward decision making & 问责制
  • Legal, compliance and financial practices
  • Pension financial exposure

Accelerated Digitisation 

  • Cybersecurity and data privacy
  • Impacts of automation and AI
  • HR technology obsolescence
  • Misalignment of HR and business strategy
  • 技能的退化


  • Changing nature of work
  • Talent attraction, retention and engagement
  • Succession and key person risk
  • 行为与文化
  • 旅行和交通

环境 & 社会 

  • Catastrophic personal life events
  • 环境
  • Working conditions and labour relations
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • 领导问题


 我们的人员风险研究揭示了需要作为人员风险策略的一部分来考虑的主要人员风险. 了解如何在五个关键支柱上管理人员风险,从而建立企业和人类的适应力.


Organisational complexity is a high barrier for every pillar of people risk. 随着企业的不断发展,传统上孤立的工作领域也面临着威胁, 组织正在努力定义谁负责拥有特定的缓解工作, thus leading to gaps in adequately addressing looming risks.

HR and risk managers must therefore work together. 幸运的是, 《98858威尼斯70570》的研究表明,在企业面临的首要问题上,这些群体之间存在强烈的一致性. 现在, 组织应该利用这种一致性,继续打破孤岛,进一步加强风险识别和缓解方面的协作.

改变个人行为的困难也被认为是一个主要障碍. For this reason, it is critical to develop an ERM culture. Risk culture is built on a foundation of shared organisational values, attitudes and behaviours, 在所有员工共同承担责任和行动的支持下,建立可见和负责任的领导. Risks present both threats and opportunities, so a multi-disciplinary, 需要审慎和协调良好的方法来帮助制定有效措施,减轻威胁并抓住机会.

我们的《98858威尼斯70570》(Age of Adaptability)报告显示,88%的人力资源团队更多地从高管那里获益. 因此,风险经理和人力资源团队必须将他们的纪律提升到一个新的水平.

This means developing more deliberate approaches to listening to employees, a tighter connection between benefits and business goals, 明智的成本管理注重价值和多年效益战略. 一些公司正在调整价值观和文化,以促进以人为本的领导、正义和目标. With ESG on the rise, many organisations are looking to build a sustainable people culture, including delivering on total 幸福. 在这个场景中, 像过去许多人为保持可承受的福利预算所做的那样,削减福利将更具挑战性. 因此, cost management instead of cost shifting to employees is needed; for example, 通过计划设计引导员工到更高质量的护理点,以减少并发症, or using virtual care when appropriate.

Important questions to ask

或者人力资源或风险专业人士刚刚开始熟悉他们各自的人力资源或风险同行的纪律, 这里有一些可能的对话话题,可以用来开始识别机会.
  1. 员工、客户、投资者和监管机构对ESG的期望如何影响业务? 
  2. Is diversity, equity and inclusion a blind spot for us? 员工福利计划是否反映了不同员工的需求?
  3. Could mental health be more proactively managed, 这对保险需求有什么影响,比如董事和管理人员的保险范围或关键人物的风险?
  4. How is the difficulty in attracting, retaining and engaging talent impacting business operations, the customer experience and profitability?
  5. 是否有机会进一步加强企业文化,以帮助留住员工和改进风险管理实践?